to GOD be the GLORY
~ Oh, My Unrepentant Friend ~
By Deborah Ann

Oh my unrepentant friend,
don’t think you are good
for not one person . . .
does as they should.
That hate that you have,
embedded in your heart
will keep you and God
distant and far apart.
Oh, my tolerant friend,
don’t you be deceived
for everyone by sin
is sick and diseased.
By your liberal thinking,
you are being lead astray
the road you’re now on
is not the narrow way.
Oh, my progressive friends,
for you it’s not too late . . .
to turn back to the truth
leading to the straight gate!
Enter ye in at the strait gate:
for wide is the gate, and broad
is the way, that leadeth to
destruction, and many there
be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate,
and narrow is the way,
which leadeth unto life,
and few there be that find it.
King James Version
Public Domain
Copyright 2020
Deborah Ann Belka
~ to GOD be the GLORY ~