#throwbackpoem: A Victorious Life

to GOD be the GLORY

~ A Victorious Life ~

By Deborah Ann

A life victorious,
is a life that overcomes
for, to the old man it dies
and the new one it becomes.

A life triumphant,
is a life that’s no longer
engrossed with the world
and all it has to offer.

A life unbeaten,
is a life that’s defeated
the desires of the flesh
from its hearts are deleted.

A life confident.
is a life that’s conquered
picking up its own cross
no longer feels awkward.

A life victorious,
is a God-fearing one
for it’s a life that reflects
the life of His Son!


1 John 5:4

“For whatsoever is born of God
overcometh the world:
and this is the victory
that overcometh the world,
even our faith.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2018
Deborah Ann Belka

How did this Bless you ~