Tag Archives: Trials & Tribulations

Today’s Poem: Faith To Overcome

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faith To Overcome ~ By Deborah Ann Though I have trials,tests and tribulationsmy cup remains full . . .of God’s declarations. For He promises to me,not to leave or forsakeand in His living waterI can always partake. Though I have problems,concerns, worries and caresmy cup remains full . . .knowing He hears my prayers.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: An Everlasting Hope

to GOD be the GLORY ~ An Everlasting Hope ~ By Deborah Ann My hope is a lively one,it can not be obliteratedit’s an everlasting hopeit cannot be eliminated. Though insults fly by me,from every which way . . .my hope encourages menot to care what others say. My hope is a proven one,it cannot be canceledit’s a steadfast hopeit cannot… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: What Can Make Me Turn Away

~ What Can Make Me Turn Away ~ By Deborah Ann What can make me,from Jesus walk awaywhat can happen . . .to make me go astray? What kind of jeopardy,will make me turn my backwhat sort of danger . . .will cause my faith to slack? What can make me,to stop in God believingwhat can prevent me fromHis face to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Rejoicing In Tribulation

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Rejoicing In Tribulation ~ By Deborah Ann When I’m knee deep,in pain and suffering . . .it’s in my future hopefor which I’m rejoicing. For the glory to be had,in today’s tribulationwill come on the dayof my own resurrection. When I’m waist high,in my cares and concernsit’s with patience I waituntil Jesus returns. For I… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Gift of Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Gift of Peace ~ By Deborah Ann God’s gift of peace,brings the heart cheerfor it knows eternityis drawing near. Though we are flanked,with disorder and strifeJesus promised to usHis strength for this life. God’s gift of Peace,overcomes our fearswith the assuranceof no more pain or tears. Through we’re entrenched,with anguish and despairJesus promised one… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Committing To The Narrow Way

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Committing To The Narrow Way ~ By Deborah Ann Having a hard time,staying on the narrow waytoo many obstaclesto get over each day? Too many trials,testings and tribulationskeeping you from strivingfor your eternal destination? Feeling you’ll never get,through the narrow gatetoo many challenges keepingyou from going straight? Too many worries,troubles and carestoo many burdensfor you… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Everyone Has Something

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Everyone Has Something ~ By Deborah Ann Everyone has something,messing up their dayeveryone has new stormsfreshly blowing their way. Everyone has problems,throwing them off courseeveryone has troublescoming at them full force. Everyone has dilemmas,they need to addresseveryone has anxietiescausing them to stress. Everyone has worries,tossing them abouteveryone has concernsthey need to work out. But, we… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: When Fear Whispers

to GOD be the GLORY ~ When Doubt Whispers ~ By Deborah Ann When doubt whispers,in your ear . . .tell it right awayto get out of here. For if you listen,to what it has to sayit will ruinthe rest of your day. When doubt looks,into your eyesdon’t you believeits fearful lies. For if you believe,what it wants you towith your… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Loom Of Doom

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Loom of Gloom ~ By Deborah Ann When my heart feels hopeless,when desperation sets inas I become anxious from . . .the turmoil twirling within. I drop to my knees,to my Father I pleafor His perfect peaceto wash over me. When my mind feels helpless,when gloom is on the loomas I become anxious from… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Troubles Abounding

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Troubles Abounding ~ By Deborah Ann In this fallen world . . .they’ll be troubles aboundingworries and caresconceptually confounding. But, Jesus said we’re not,to fret or to despairbut to hand over to Himour every single care. Each day there’s enough,troubles of its ownpacked full of anxietyfrom the things unknown. But, Jesus insisted,we are not… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Fear’s Canvas

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Fear’s Canvas ~ By Deborah Ann When night turns,thoughts anxiouscasting shadowson fear’s canvas. Turn to God,to ease your mindand His peaceyou will find. When night’s dread,long fingers wrapand your heartit has in a trap. Turn to God,to release its graspand onto His calmlet your heart clasp. When the night turns,your thoughts anxiouscast them onto… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Get A Grip On Fear

to GOD be the GLORY Get a Grip on Fear ~ By Deborah Ann Whenever fear begins,messing with my headwhen it fills up my heartwith anxiety and dread. It’s when I go to Jesus,to still the storm insidesoon the waves of fearcalmly start to subside. Whenever fear grips me,squeezing my very soulwhen with it I battleto take back control. It’s when… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: When In The Wilderness

to GOD be the GLORY ~ When In The Wilderness ~ By Deborah Ann It gets lonely,in the wildernessit feels lifeless . . .cold and treacherous. But, when God takes us,into the wildernessHe wants us with Himto get down to business. It’s easy to get lost,in the wildernessit can be discouragingin the land of bitterness. But, when we trust God,in the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Fully Invested

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Fully Invested ~ By Deborah Ann My heart and soul,in God are investedso I call on Him . . .wherever I’m tested  I use my Bible,to help and defendwhatever tempestthat He may send. I hold onto the truth,when trials I fightI know it will lead mestraight into His light. When storms blow in,on My… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Are You Drifiting

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Are You Drifting ~ By Deborah Ann Are you drifting,in a sea of uncertaintyhave you given up . . .on your eternal destiny? Are you windblown,shaped by circumstancedrifting in the whirlwindof luck and happenstance? Are you drifting,into a sea of self-destructionare you being swept awayby sin and corruption? Are you in a fog,in the haze of dismayhave… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Throught Life’s Trials

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Through Life’s Trials ~ By Deborah Ann Through life’s many trials,there can be no denialsfor those who in God trustwell knowing He is just. Victory we can claim,when we call upon His namethough tested are we stillwe yet seek to know His will. Through life’s tribulations,come various temptationsfor those with a Saviorredeemed by grace and… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: In The Right Direction

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In The Right Direction ~ By Deborah Ann Sometimes God,needs to get my attentionso He can reestablishwith Him a connection. So He sends into my life,trials and tribulationsto see if I will trust Himwith all their complications. Sometimes God,needs to redirect my lifeby giving me thingsthat will cause me strife. He wants to know,how deep… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: On Tranquil Seas

to GOD be the GLORY ~ On Tranquil Seas ~ By Deborah Ann On tranquil seas, I wish to sail . . . sans any storm or gathering gale. Smoothing sailing, is all I want no rough waters to leave me gaunt. Just blissful calm, nothing more no raging waves breaking ashore. Peaceful days, restful nights no disturbances in which to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Unspeakable Joy

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Unspeakable Joy ~ By Deborah Ann Joy that is counted, no matter what goes on is joy that believes . . . in the grace of the Son. Joy that is patient, when it’s being tested is joy that’s in Jesus . . . at peace and rested. Joy that is brimming, without being… (more…)

Rejoice, I Say Rejoice ~

Rejoice, I say rejoice, in everything have hope don’t just sit around lest you turn into a mope. See how content I am, see that look on my face that’s the look of patience for I’m resting in God’s grace. I know the importance, to pray about everything so I don’t worry about what tomorrow’s gonna bring. Rejoice, I say rejoice,… (more…)

All Things Will Work Out ~

All things for my good, will work out . . . a promise I will claim in it, I will not doubt. I may not understand, how this could ever be with so many trials . . . right now surrounding me. But, as God is busy doing, Jesus told me not to worry to stand steadfast and firm not… (more…)

I am Convinced ~

I am convinced I belong to God, that nothing can separate us I am sure and I am positive and so in Him I will always trust. There’s nothing that man can say, to break God’s and my alliance I am sure and I am positive for on Him I put my full reliance. Storms may toss and blow my… (more…)

Fully Persuaded ~

There is nothing, that stands in my way there is no one person that’ll cause me to sway. For I’ve been won over, I am certain and I’m sure that for my sinful condition there’s only one cure. Jesus is the remedy, for all of my afflictions nothing can move me from my hearts conviction. Not the trials in this… (more…)

We All Face Trials ~

We all face trials, of many different kinds some attack our bodies others beset our minds. Some assault our faith, causing us to doubt some assail our trust tossing us all about. We all have troubles, just different situations we all have suffered . . . from diverse temptations. Some know the results, of falling for Satan’s lies others feel the… (more…)

Jesus is Always There ~

Through all the pain and sorrow, the ones we own, the ones we borrow the ones we make, the ones we bear Jesus is always there . . . Within all the grief of our tears, the ones of love, the ones of fears the ones we cause, the ones we share Jesus is always there . . . During… (more…)