Tag Archives: Strength

Today’s Poem: Dust Dry

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Dust Dry ~ By Deborah Ann Belka On days when I feel,my faith is dust drywhen my spirit withersas if it were to die. I pick up my Bible,to breathe some life backinto this soul of minefor the hope that I lack. On days when I feel,my faith is desert drywhen the strength in… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Stir Our Hearts Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Stir Our Hearts Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Stir our hearts Lord,awaken our desireto learn to doall that You require. Stir up our prayer life,our thoughts stimulatekeep us on our kneeslest we become stagnate. Stir our minds Lord,excite us to press onkeep us watchfultill the race is won. Stir up our faith life,arouse our… (more…)

Today’s Poem: If You Want To Be Transformed

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If You Want To Be Transformed ~ By Deborah Ann Belka If  you want to be transformed,your mind you must renewworry, disbelief and fearyou’ll need to put behind you. Thoughts of faith and trust,must be your way of thinkingputting confidence in Godshould be your only reasoning. Any unbelief or doubt,you will need to get rid… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Morning’s Upon Me 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Morning’s Upon Me ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Morning’s upon me,a new day has dawnI rise with the dropsof dew on my lawn. Robins are singing,their voices are clearthe perfume of lilacsdrift though the air. I greet the new day,like the robins I singof God’s tender merciesa new day will bring. Aromas of grace,like lilacs… (more…)

Today’s Poem: No Wonder We Need

to GOD be the GLORY ~ No Wonder We Need ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Life is full of steep hills,valleys plenty deepno wonder we need . . .a Good Shepherd’s keep. With all the uncertainty,each day we must faceno wonder we need . . .a sufficient dose of grace. Our fears can be many,our worries limitlessno wonder we need .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Wisely Walking

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Wisely Walking ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Father I thank You,today for Your graceand the wisdom I needto wisely run the race. For, I know of the evil,I will witness todayand to walk cautiouslymust be my mainstay. Father I thank you,today for Your directionfor the wisdom to havein the world no connection. For, though… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Commit

to GOD be the GLORY   ~ Commit ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Commit your ways to the Lord,trust Him to complete in you . . .everything He has startedall that He has yet to do. Place your life in His hands,trust Him to mold and to formand your heart and your mindHe will begin to transform. Give to the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Fading Memories

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Fading Memories ~ By Deborah Ann I still count the days,since you’ve been goneto fading memoriesI am still clinging on. They are all it seems,I have left of you . .as old photo albumsI cry my way through. I still hear your laughter,see those smiling eyesI still can rememberour last, final goodbye’s. There isn’t… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Comforts the Mournful 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Comforts the Mournful ~ By Deborah Ann Some people appear,strong on the outsidewhen really they’re fallingapart on the inside. Some people pretend,they have it all togethersome contend aloneany storm they can weather. Some people claim,they don’t need any aidsome camouflagejust how much their afraid. Some people look,happy and joyfulsome disguise so wella heart, sorrowful.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Grief Reliever

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Grief Reliever ~ By Deborah Ann I have felt grief . . .smacking me on the shoulderI have felt it in my guthit me like a ten-ton boulder. I have felt its shock,just like a lighting boltI’ve felt its thunderdeliver stunning jolt. I have felt grief . . .punch me square in my faceI’ve… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Through The Valley Of Grief

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Through The Valley Of Grief ~ By Deborah Ann God’s brought me through,the valley of pain . . .gave me His strengthfor He knew my strain. He took me by the hand,lead me through my griefpromised with each stepin Him I’d find relief. I held on so tightly,for I thought I’d faintbut God became for… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Heals the Broken Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Heals the Broken Heart ~ By Deborah Ann God keeps doing wonders,with broken hearts . . .He can still heal and mendall the injured parts. But, you must give Him,your heart as it breakseach little piece of itand all the little flakes. God can perform miracles,on hearts that are damagedHe can undo the impactwhere… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A New Song

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A New Song ~ By Deborah Ann A new song,God’s put in my heartof how His mercycame to do its part. He took my sorrow,turned it into hopegave me the graceeach day to cope. A new song,I’m going to singso others to Him . . .my grief might bring. He’s given to me,a brand new… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Should Have Been Crushed

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Should Have Been Crushed ~ By Deborah Ann I should have been crushed,by the weight of sorrowI should have not been ableto face another tomorrow. I should have been shattered,from a heart that was brokenI should have collapsedunder words left unspoken. I should have been held down,by the heaviness of painI should have not been… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: This Hurts

to GOD be the GLORY ~ This Hurts ~ By Deborah Ann Lord this hurts,even after all these yearsthis empty, void spacestill brings me to tears. Like a knife,my heart its cut throughso I’ll continue to give . . .this pain over to You. Lord this hurts,in every single wayit still is painfulno matter what they say. Like a vise,my… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Pain Unimaginable

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Pain Unimaginable ~ By Deborah Ann God brought into my life,pain unimaginableheartache so deepit was unfathomable. But, through it I found,the meaning of steadfastand onto my joyI’ve learned to holdfast. God brought into my life,sorrow unthinkablesuffering so vastit was unmeasurable But, though it I discovered,the surpassing of peaceand now I understandwhy it will never… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God Gave Me Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Gave Me Peace ~ By Deborah Ann God gave me peace,the day you diedas into His bottlemy tears I cried. I knew they’d be safe,there in His carefor He knew the depthof my despair. God showed me grace,the day you perishedby keeping my hopein Him nourished. He knew my heart,couldn’t handle the breakwithout His… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Process of Grief 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Process of Grief ~ By Deborah Ann Grief is a process,time it does not knowit keeps its own rhythmtis why it ebbs and flows. It swells like a wave,rising in your chestyou never know whenit will rise or crest. Grief is a phase,time means not a thingit keeps its own beattis why it’s so… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Joy Comes On Morning’s Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Joy Comes On Morning’s Light ~ By Deborah Ann Joy comes,to heart’s brokenjoy returnsin words unspoken. Joy arises,from out of the pitsjoy emergeswith strength and grit. Joy enters,with peace and calmjoy becomesthe soul’s healing balm. Joy reaches,into mind’s affectedJoy arriveswhen least expected Joy follows,weeping nightsjoy ariseson morning’s light! ~~~~~~ Psalm 30:5 For his anger endureth… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Fullness of God 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Fullness of God ~ By Deborah Ann He isn’t the God,of the have or have not’sHe is the God . . .for all of our needs and wants. He isn’t the God,of the half-full, half-emptyHe is the God . . .who has for each one plenty. He isn’t the God,of only the poor in… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Going Home

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Going Home ~ By Deborah Ann I know the valley is before me,there’s nothing for me to fearalone I’ll walk death’s pathbut, God promises to be near. His love shall be my comfort,His strength will get me throughon the other side of the shadowHis light shines bright and true. I will go to sleep… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Promises Galore

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Promises Galore ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, when I’m feeling beaten,when l feel trodden on and downYou promised I’d be a conquerorand to give me victories crown. And when I’m feeling bound up,when my spirit’s tied up in knotsYou promised to be my delivererand to capture all my thoughts. And when I’m feeling confused,when… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Sunrise

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Sunrise ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, Lord today I was breathless,when I saw the beauty of Your lovewhile gazing at the sunrise . . .peaking through the skies above. I watched as the stars disappeared,fading with the dark of nightas the early morning rays beamedwith the hope of eternal light. As the sun rose… (more…)

Today’s Poem: From Places Up High

to GOD be the GLORY ~ From Places Up High ~ By Deborah Ann Spiritual blessings,from places up high . . .are ours to beholdand daily apply. The blessings of grace,redemption and forgivenessthe blessing of being filledwith all of God’s richness. From the Father’s right hand,passed on to His Sonare all of His blessingsfor us to draw upon. The blessings… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: May The Lord Keep You

to GOD be the GLORY ~ May The Lord Keep You ~ By Deborah Ann May the Lord keep you,safely in His caremay you give to Himall your burdens to bear. May He bless you,with hope and peacemay you on Himyour worries release. May the Lord shine,on you His facemay you embraceHis undying grace. May His favor,put joy in your… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My God Promises

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My God Promises ~ By Deborah Ann My God is bigger,than my fearfor my God promisesto always be near. My God is greater,than my dreadfor my God promisesme daily bread. My God is mightier,than my plightfor my God promisesto lead with His light. My God is bolder,than my doubtfor my God promisesI’ll not go… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Gifts Intertwined

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Gifts Intertwined ~ By Deborah Ann Our spiritual gifts,God’s given to usand in them we needto put all our trust. He gave various talents,for us to use side by sidebut with the same Spiritwe are all occupied. God’s given us strengths,different levels of skilland we must all seek what for them is His will.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God Is Patient And Kind

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Is Patient And Kind ~ By Deborah Ann God is patient and kind,He wants to bless uswith the power we needfor our faith to trust. So He sends us mercy,each morning anewso our hearts and mindsHe can daily renew. God’s love is enduring,He wants us to knowHe is more than willingHis righteous way… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: His Eye Is On This Sparrow

to GOD be the GLORY ~ His Eye Is On This Sparrow ~ By Deborah Ann His eye is on this sparrow,He sees me as I flyHe notices me each daythat sweeps and passes by. He hands me a flight plan,as I open up my eyesHe charts out my courseupon my morning rise. His eyes is on this sparrow,He sees… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Awesome Blossoms

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Awesome Blossoms ~ By Deborah Ann Awesome blossoms,buds of hope on a stemmy summer garden grows . . .like my faith I have in Him. In my flower beds,each bloom providesreminders to praise Godfor all He supplies. White and yellow daisies,petals picked one by onelet know me how I am lovedby my Father and… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God Of The Sparrow

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Of The Sparrow ~ By Deborah Ann God of the sparrow,provide our winter seedsupply us with the faithto trust You for all we need. Shelter us in the storms,underneath Your mighty wingsshield us from the bitternessthat winter’s harshness brings. God of the sparrow,furnish our winter warmthkeeps us steadfastlyupon salvation’s hearth. Protect us in… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Good Work

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Good Work ~ By Deborah Ann A good work,in you God has beganto help you get ridof that old sinful man. He promised to give,His Spirit to youso He could guideand lead you how to. A good work,God will performso to His likenessyou can conform. It will take time,to reach perfectionuntil He sees… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Oh, God Shelter Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, My God Shelter Me ~ By Deborah Ann Oh my God,shelter mekeep me safewithin Thee. For You are to me,my cool Shadowmy safe Havenmy shady Grotto. Oh my God,shield mekeep my closenear to Thee. For You are to me,my quiet Harbormy calm Retreatmy fixed Anchor. Oh, my God,protect mekeep me safesecure in Thee!… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Is Not Restricted

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Is Not Restricted ~ By Deborah Ann Nothing is impossible,when God we allowto do what He canin the way He knows how. For He is not restricted,in any way or formnot one thing to Himis out of the norm. Nothing is inconceivable,when in God we trustnothing is unachievableHis hands are not cuffed. There… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God Has It All Figured Out

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Has It All Figured Out ~ By Deborah Ann If you live by faith,you’ll not have doubtthat everything Godhas all figured out. For you understand,He is omnipotentand all that He doesis divinely significant. If you live by faith,in God you do trustyou know He’s alwaysholy, fair and just. For you believe,He is omniscientand… (more…)

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