Tag Archives: Straight is the Gate

#throwbackpoem: Oh, My Unrepented Friends

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, My Unrepentant Friend ~ By Deborah Ann Oh my unrepentant friend,don’t think you are goodfor not one person . . .does as they should. That hate that you have,embedded in your heartwill keep you and Goddistant and far apart. Oh, my tolerant friend,don’t you be deceivedfor everyone by sinis sick and diseased. By your… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Kinder Place

to GOD be the GLORY December 28, 2020 ~ A Kinder Place ~ By Deborah Ann I wish the world was,a much kinder place . . .I wish more would knowthe power of God’s grace. I wish it was filled,with peace not strifeI wish more would findin Jesus eternal life. I wish the world was,a better place to live . .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Let The Truth Guide You

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Let The Truth Guide You ~ By Deborah Ann Let the truth guide you,let it lead your way . . .so on the narrow pathyou’ll continue to stay. For, without the truth,there are only liescausing you to takeyour eyes off the prize. Let the truth be your rule,let it be your bannerso into the straight… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Committing To The Narrow Way

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Committing To The Narrow Way ~ By Deborah Ann Having a hard time,staying on the narrow waytoo many obstaclesto get over each day? Too many trials,testings and tribulationskeeping you from strivingfor your eternal destination? Feeling you’ll never get,through the narrow gatetoo many challenges keepingyou from going straight? Too many worries,troubles and carestoo many burdensfor you… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Getting Through the Narrow Gate

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Getting Through the Narrow Gate ~ By Deborah Ann If we’re to get through,the narrow gate . . .we need to work onour stance and gait. We need to keep,our heads held highwe need to keepJesus in our eyes. We need to run,with endurancewe need to walkwith assurance. We need to hold,our shoulder’s backwe need… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Getting Through The Narrow Gate

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Getting Through the Narrow Gate ~ By Deborah Ann If we’re to get through,the narrow gate . . .we need to work onour stance and gait. We need to keep,our heads held highwe need to keepJesus in our eyes. We need to run,with endurancewe need to walkwith assurance. We need to hold,our shoulder’s backwe need… (more…)