Tag Archives: Soul

Today’s Poem: Show Me Your Ways Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Show Me Your Ways Lord~ By Deborah Ann Belka Lord, show me Your ways,reveal them to melead and guide my stepsto where they should be. Grant me Your mercy,always be by my sidefor the road is too roughand the path is so wide. Instruct and teach me Lord,in the way I should gofor the hills… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Blessing Upon Blessing

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Blessing Upon Blessing ~ By Deborah Ann Blessing upon blessing,God wants to giveHe wants you to repentso He can forgive. God wants your heart,He wants your soulin Him He wants youto be complete and whole. Mercy upon mercy,God wants you to receiveHe wants your faithso in Him you’ll believe. God wants your troubles,He wants… (more…)

Today’s Poem: In His Hands

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In His Hands ~ By Deborah Ann Sometimes problems come,changing all our plans . . .making it ever clearerall things are in God’s hands. Hands that long to hold,to comfort and to consolehands that want to healthe ache within the soul. Hands that desire to reach,far into the heart and mindhands that hold perfect… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Full Submission

~ Full Submission ~ By Deborah Ann There is a love,that’s for God aloneand in our hearts  . . .He must sit on the throne. This love must be,for Him conclusivelyfor He desires . . .our hearts exclusively. For God, is a jealous God,He will not toleratea heart where His lovedoes not generate. There cannot be,another lover of our soulHis… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Hope

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Hope ~ By Deborah Ann While my flesh,withers awaymy hope is ina better day. The time coming,when I’ll be at peacewhile I’m waitingmy hope won’t cease. As I wait,for the Lord to comeon my heart-stringsmy hope will strum. Looking onward,Jesus in my sighteternal life . . .hopes greatest delight. While my flesh,withers away… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Captive Thoughts

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Captive Thoughts ~ By Deborah Ann Capture my thoughts Lord,gird me in Thy truthlet me follow Thy Wordas in the days of my youth. With childlike faith,take custody of my mindkeep me close to Theeso Thy ways I can find. Control and restrain me,release not me from Thy holdmay my heart for Theeturn not… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: As For Me and My House

to GOD be the GLORY As for Me and My House ~ By Deborah Ann As for me and my house . . .I’m inviting Jesus to come to liveand my heart and my soulto Him I am going to give. But, first I must make it ready,clean up the dirty messso I’m starting with the sinsI know that I need… (more…)

Today’s Poem: No Matter The Hour

to GOD be the GLORY ~ No Matter the Hour ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, the day is now over,the night is drawing newI need to get some restso my soul You can renew. I am thankful just to know,that You never doze or sleepfor, no matter what the hourYou still tend to Your sheep. When I am up and stirring,You… (more…)

A Humble Heart ~

~A Humble Heart ~ Jesus, give me a humble heart,teach me to have a meek attitudetake from me my selfish pridefill my soul with eternal gratitude. Disrobe me of my self-importance,strip my conceit and arroganceremove the smugness on my facerip away any self-imposed relevance. Cloth me in Your righteousness,wrap me in Your truth and lovecover me with the Holy Spiritbind… (more…)