Tag Archives: Seek

Today’s Poem: Ask, Seek, Knock, Enter

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Ask, Seek, Knock, Enter ~ By Deborah Ann Ask believing Jesus loves you,seek and Him you will findknock and the door will openenter and don’t look behind. Ask that Jesus will forgive you,seek and repent of your sinknock and He will free youenter and be cleansed within. Ask trusting Jesus will answer,seek and listen… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: To Be That Deer

to GOD be the GLORY ~ To Be That Deer ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, may I be that deer,that pants after You . . .may Your living watersin my life run always true. May I thirst after You,more and more each daymay I find Your merciesas I go along my way. May I long to seek You,to know Your… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Seek

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Seek ~ By Deborah Ann Seek and you shall find,whenever you’re in doubtturn to the Good Bookto find the answers out. For in the Bible you’ll see,what God wants of youseek and you shall findHis light shining through. Seek and you shall find,love that is everlastingwhen in uncertain timesall else is so contrasting. Come… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: While The Lord Is Still Near

to GOD be the GLORY ~ While The Lord Is Still Near ~ By Deborah Ann Seek the Lord while He’s still near,while His mercy can still be foundpray for Him to direct you . . .while His Spirit is still around. Give to the Lord your whole heart,call on Him while you still canappeal to Him to renew your faithwhile… (more…)

Taking Christ out of Christmas ~

You can take Christ out of CHRISTmas, by saying happy holidays . . . you can omit Christ’s name with any other merry phrase. You can remove Christ’s name, from your advertisements you can skip Christ’s name because of your entitlements. You can refuse Christ’s name, it is your prerogative and right you can delete Christ’s name in your yearly… (more…)

Seeking What’s Wise ~

Lord, may I be a seeker, a follower of Your light may I have the wisdom like the Magi’s had that night. May I travel the distance, regardless of how far may I be willing to go to wherever You are. May I have the resolve, to follow where You lead may I see to Your will I must be… (more…)

Ask, Ask, Ask ~

Ask the Lord for help, don’t hold back a request ask Him for your daily needs then let Him supply the rest. Ask as though you’re a beggar, as if you had naught a thing ask knowing God will provide then watch what He will bring. Ask for a deeper understanding, wisdom above everything else ask to stay true to… (more…)