Tag Archives: Repent

#throwbackpoem: If We the People

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If We the People ~ By Deborah Ann Belka If we the people,of the USA . . .would humble ourselvesand pray. Then God would,forgive us our sinand bless these statesonce again. If we the people,were to seek His faceand admit to Himour sinful disgrace. Then God would,heal our landand united – under Himwe would again… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Blessing Upon Blessing

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Blessing Upon Blessing ~ By Deborah Ann Blessing upon blessing,God wants to giveHe wants you to repentso He can forgive. God wants your heart,He wants your soulin Him He wants youto be complete and whole. Mercy upon mercy,God wants you to receiveHe wants your faithso in Him you’ll believe. God wants your troubles,He wants… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Repent, Repent, Repent

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Repent, Repent, Repent ~ By Deborah Ann What ever happened to,the old man on the street . . .holding his sign warningeveryone that he’d meet? There was a truth to be told,a new kingdom was to comeand he was not too worriedabout offending anyone. Most people mocked him,but, he didn’t feel any shamefor he wasn’t seeking… (more…)

God is Wiser ~

I asked God for strength, but, He made me weak so that to His will . . . I would daily seek. I asked God for health, but, He made me queasy so that I would see . . . the faithful race wasn’t easy. I asked God for riches, but, He made me poor so that I would hear … (more…)