Tag Archives: Psalm 31:15

#throwbackpoem: My Times Are In Thine Hands

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Times Are In Thine Hands ~ By Deborah Ann My times are in Thine hands,my God, I wish them theremy lifemy hopesmy every dreamare completely in Your care. My times are in Thine hands,I give them all to Youmy daysmy nightsmy every tomorroware Yours to do what You must do. My times are in… (more…)

My Times Are In Your Hands ~

My times are in Your hands, my God, I wish them there my life my hopes my every dream are completely in Your care. My times are in Your hands, to do what you must do my days my nights my entire tomorrows I give them all to You. My times are in Your hands, in all that I do… (more…)