Tag Archives: Praise

Today’s Poem: Morning’s Upon Me 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Morning’s Upon Me ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Morning’s upon me,a new day has dawnI rise with the dropsof dew on my lawn. Robins are singing,their voices are clearthe perfume of lilacsdrift though the air. I greet the new day,like the robins I singof God’s tender merciesa new day will bring. Aromas of grace,like lilacs… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Shepherd Speaks 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Shepherd Speaks ~ By Deborah Ann Belka My Shepherd speaks,unto my weary heartso His love into itHe can impart. He beckons me,to rest and knownot to worrybut, to just let go. He says my name,so I can hearthe words I long“I’m always here.” He reassures,my every doubtto trust in Himto work things out. My… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God’s Steadfast Love 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Steadfast Love ~ By Deborah Ann Belka When sorrow greets me,upon the break of dayI know God’s love . . .will take the pain away. For His loving-kindness,when I am heartbrokenis filled with the promiseI’ll not be left forsaken. When I’m discouraged,before depression sets inI think about God’s loveliving steadfast within. For His kind-heartedness,is my… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Always The Same

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Always The Same ~ By Deborah Ann Thank You Lord,for being true . . .for never-changingfor staying You. Thank you Lord,for being consistentfor being steadyfor being persistent. Thank You Lord,for being reliablefor being unfalteringfor being dependable. Thank You Lord,for being unfailingfor being stablefor being unwavering. Thank You Lord,for being continualfor being eternalfor being perpetual. Thank… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Has A Time For Everything

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Has A Time For Everything ~ By Deborah Ann God has a time,for everythingand for every onenew season’s He brings. There’s a time of peace,and a time of bleaknessa time of spiritual healthand a time of sickness. There’s a time to rise up,and a time to regressa time of fearfulnessand a time to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Fix Your Eyes On Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Fix Your Eyes On Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Fix your eyes on Jesus,never let Him out of your sightfocus in on all of the goodnessthat radiates from His Light. Fasten your mind to Jesus,in His Word find your peacejoin together with Himin a love that’ll never cease. Attach your heart to Jesus,cling and… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Throne Of Grace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Throne of Grace ~ By Deborah Ann I throw myself,on the throne of graceGod’s mercy my soullongs to embrace. My trust I lay,at Jesus feetsinner and Saviorat last do meet. He knows my heart,my repentant tearsfor in His booksare wandering years. My life now follows,His righteous waysHis Word and lawsdirects my days. To… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The True and Righteous Way

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The True and Righteous Way ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, that I may seek and know,God’s true and righteous waythat I may rise up and pursueHis mercies throughout my day. To find His grace and glory,as I travel my daily courseto have His Word lead meand be my wisdom’s source. To have a heart… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Trusting Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Trusting Heart ~ By Deborah Ann A trusting heart knows God,it is filled with His peaceit has a calmness deep withinthat it knows will never cease. It is full of worship and praise,is triumphant in all its waysit is devoted and committedhonoring God with all its days. It is steadfast and faithful,it has… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I’m Looking Up

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I’m Looking Up ~ By Deborah Ann I’m looking up,morning, noon and nightI’m keeping my eyes on Jesuslooking straight into His light. I’m not going to look within,I’ll just be disappointedI’m not going to look backI’ll just get all disjointed. I’m not looking around me,I’ll just be distractedI’m not going to look forwardI’ll just… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Cup Runneth Over

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Cup Runneth Over ~ By Deborah Ann My cup it runneth over,with tender mercy it flows . . .my cup can never be emptiedfor in my heart Jesus grows. My cup is full of a lasting joy,with a love never to cease . . .my cup will never drain outfor in my heart… (more…)

Today’s Poem: ~ Still The Wise Seek Him ~

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Still The Wise Seek Him ~ By Deborah Ann Still the wise seek Him,they look to the Morning Starthey follow where He may leadno matter how near or far. They come to praise Him,to worship and to adorethe wise still seek will Himas the ones did from before. The wise still offer Him,gifts from… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Object of My Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Object of My Faith ~ By Deborah Ann The object of my faith,is Jesus and no other . . .with anything or one elseI don’t even want to bother. For, all other devices,are just diversionsand all other gospelsare just perversions. So, I keep my focus on,what is my eternal goalnot that which will bringdamnation… (more…)

Today’s Poem: In A Slump

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In A Slump ~ By Deborah Ann In a slump,spiritually speakingfaith needinga little tweaking? Well don’t stop,praying when drygo ahead with Godand have a good cry. In the dumps,thought’s troublingworries becominga little unnerving? Well don’t stop,raising your praiseGod understandsit’s just a phase. In a funk,losing the battlecares have youa little bit rattled? Well don’t you… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Pit Dwelling

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Pit Dwelling ~ By Deborah Ann When in the pits,don’t stay thereget right outso not to despair. For pit dwelling,will cause bitternessand God’s blessingsyou’ll surely miss. When in the dumps,don’t stay downpull yourself outlest in pity you drown. For dump diving,is a pit’s best friendand is no place Godwants you to spend. When in… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If There Be

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If There Be ~ By Deborah Ann If there be any praise,let that be your songif there be any hopelet that make you strong. If there be any truth,let that be your trustif there be any honestylet that make you just. If there be any purity,let that be your sentimentif there be any virtuelet that… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Glory Declared

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Glory Declared~ By Deborah Ann The heavens declare God’s glory,the stars twinkle of His gracethe sun shines of His mercythe moon glows upon His face. They universe is His handiwork,all was formed by His finger tipseverything came into concertby the words from His own lips. The planets are in constant motion,as the earth… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Grieve Not

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Grieve Not ~ By Deborah Ann Father may my words,not cause grief to Yourather let them bring praisefor all for me You do. Let my speech be used,solely for edifyinglet my remarks bepurposely purifying. Father may my lips,evil not ever speakrather let them strengthenthose who are weak. Let my mouth not be,like a gurgling… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Eternally Secured

to GOD be the GLORY ~ ~ By Deborah Ann You may try,but, I can’t be movedfor my soul to Jesusis unshakably glued. You may attempt,but, I can’t be priedfor my heart to Jesusis indefinitely tied. You may endeavor,but, I won’t be persuadedfor my life to Jesusis securely barricaded. You may aspire,but, I cannot be luredfor my mind to Jesusis… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Morning Song

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Morning Song ~ By Deborah Ann Early in the morning,before the sun is ablazeI give a shout of joywith a song of heartfelt praise. I make a sweet melody,to show God my gratitudeas I sing out my praiseswith a joyful attitude. Early in the morning,before the sun begins to riseI thank God for His… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Faith To Trust

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Faith To Trust ~ By Deborah Ann Thank you Godfor Your beloved Sonwho sheds His graceon each and everyone. Thank You Father,for mercy new each dayfor Your Wordlighting up our way. Thank You God,for hope everlastingfor opening our heartsto divine understanding. Thank You Father,for Your peace unceasingfor giving us the wisdomwe need for believing.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Praise God Anyway

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Praise God Anyway ~ By Deborah Ann When you’re feeling stuck,in life and its daily rutswhen you feel as if . . .you’re just plain going nuts. Take a short breather,a minute or even twoand think of all that Godhas performed just for you. When you’re sick and tired,and away you want to runwhen life’s… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Life’s Demands

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Life’s Demands ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, sometimes I get exhausted,with all of life’s demandssometimes I get so tiredfollowing everyone’s commands. For, I would much rather,just spend time alone with Youwith my Bible and commentarythe only two things in view. Lord, sometimes I get fatigued,just thinking of all I’ve to dosometimes I am overwhelmedmeeting… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Whatever Is Of A Good Report

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Whatever Is Of A Good Report ~ By Deborah Ann Whatever is of a good report,that which brings God praisethink about such thingsand your spirit’s they will raise. For, that which is mindful,of God’s mercy and graceare thoughts that our soulsdaily need to embrace. Whatever is eternal,our minds should think ofvisions of what is everlastingare… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Eternally Grateful

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Eternally Grateful ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, Lord when I mediate,on Your tender mercy . . .my heart for You becomesever-more thirsty. I want to drink in,all of Your compassion . . .I want to bottle upeach drop of Your passion. Oh, Lord when I ponder,on Your abundant grace . . .I cannot but help to falldown on… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Joyful, Thankful Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Joyful, Thankful Heart ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, a joyful, thankful heart,I bring to Thanksgiving’s tablea soul forever grateful . . .to You, for all that You are able. You make my plate complete,when from Your Word I reapthe full bounty of Your gracein Your kindness I do steep. You fill me with such… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Make A Joyful Noise

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Make a Joyful Noise ~ By Deborah Ann Come all my friends,come one and all . . .let’s gather togetherand let our praise fall. Let’s make a noise,to God that’s joyfullet’s sing why we arethankful and hopeful. Let’s loudly proclaim,our love for Himlet’s tell why our cupsoverflow from the brim Let’s sing of our salvation,the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Father, How Can I Show My Gratitude

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Father, How Can I Show My Gratitude ~ By Deborah Ann Father, how can I show my gratitude,my gratefulness for all You’ve donehow can I show my thankfulnessfor the eternal gift of Your Son? What can I do to repay You,for the kindness You’ve shown mewhat can I give back to Youso my appreciation You… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Thanksgiving Time

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Thanksgiving Time ~ By Deborah Ann Thanksgiving time,again is drawing neara time to let God . . .our gratitude hear. But we need to go past,just this time of the yearand make sure God alwaysour thanksgiving hears. Thanksgiving time,isn’t just for the holidaysfor a grateful heart . . .is thankful for all its days.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Thankful Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Thankful Heart ~ By Deborah Ann A thankful heart,starts with a songsings its gratitudeall the day long. It knows God,is in controlfor He reignsin its soul. A grateful heart,starts with praiseexpresses it thanksall of its days. It believes God,is its creatorit knows there isno One greater. A thankful heart,sings all day longto its God… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Make A Joyful Noise

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Make a Joyful Noise ~ By Deborah Ann Come all my friends,come one and all . . .let’s gather togetherand let our praise fall. Let’s make a noise,to God that’s joyfullet’s sing why we arethankful and hopeful. Let’s loudly proclaim,our love for Himlet’s tell why our cupsoverflow from the brim Let’s sing of our salvation,the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Meditate On Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Meditate on Me ~ By Deborah Ann Meditate on Me,put aside some timeto spend aloneand ponder Me. Moan to Me,groan and whimperand expressyour heart to Me. Mutter to Me,sigh and cryand whisperyour love for Me. Talk to Me,hum sweet wordsand murmuryour praise to Me. Pray to Me,beseech and pleaand imploreyour need for Me. Meditate on… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I Trust Thee Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Trust Thee Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Forever Lord,I will trust Theeno matter whathappens to me. I will trust Thee,when its sereneI will trust Theefor the unseen. I will trust Thee,when I’m weakI will trust Theewhen all is bleak. I will trust Thee,with my lifeI will trust Theethrough the strife I will trust Thee,when… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Rejoice, Rejoice In the Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Rejoice, Rejoice In the Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Rejoice, rejoice in the Lord,be glad and shout out with joyfor He will uplift you . . .and your doubts He’ll destroy. For those who trust in the Lord,haven’t anything to fearbecause they know to themHe is always close and near. Rejoice all who love the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Where There Is Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Where There is Peace ~ By Deborah Ann Where there is peace,there is thanksgivingwhere there is praisethere is holy living. Where there is calm,there is joyfulnesswhere there is trustthere is cheerfulness. Where there is tranquility,there is anticipationwhere there is hopethere is salvation. Where there is serenity,there is reliancewhere there is faiththere is guidance. Where there… (more…)