Tag Archives: John 14:27

#throwbackpoem: I Shudder To Think

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Shudder To Think ~ By Deborah Ann I shudder to think,just where I would beif I did not have . . .Jesus’ peace in me. I bet you I would be,a big restless messif I couldn’t give Himmy every day stress. I cannot imagine,just what I would doif I did not have . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Understanding God’s Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Understanding God’s Peace ~ By Deborah Ann There is a peace in my heart,surpassing my understandingbut, every day I can feel . . .it growing and expanding. It is a gift Jesus gave me,the day I came to believeand the closer I get to Himthe more of it I receive. It’s not the kind of… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus, My Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus My Peace ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus is my Peace,my hope’s assuranceHe is my calmgiving me endurance. Jesus is my love,my faith’s objectiveHe is my purposegiving me perspective. Jesus is my anchor,my trust’s serenityHe is my Rockgiving me tranquility. Jesus is my Advocate,my sin absorberHe is my Refugegiving me a safe harbor. Jesus is… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Of My Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God of My Peace ~ By Deborah Ann God of my peace,Lord of my calmYou are to mea soothing balm. Whatever I need,whatever my careto You I can goin confident prayer. God of my trust,Lord of my hopeYou are the Anchorat the end faith’s rope. No matter the storms,nor how long they beYou’re right in… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: True Peace and Rest

to GOD be the GLORY ~ True Peace and Rest ~ By Deborah Ann If you want to find,true peace an contentmentthen in your heart to Godmake a real commitment. For, peace and happiness,in this world can’t be hadas it only offers you . . .passing fancy’s and fad’s. If you want to find,true peace and serenitythen your life from Godyou… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Peace Jesus Gives

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Peace Jesus Gives ~ By Deborah Ann Peace Jesus gives,to all who seekno matter if . . .mighty or weak. For in peace He came,so we could findpeace to guard and keepboth heart and mind. Peace Jesus offers,to all who inquireif it is truly . . .their heart’s desire. For He promises,peace perfectto minds on… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Peace Jesus Gives

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Peace Jesus Gives ~ By Deborah Ann Peace Jesus gives,to all who seekno matter if . . .mighty or weak. For in peace He came,so we could findpeace to guard and keepboth heart and mind. Peace Jesus offers,to all who inquireif it is truly . . .their heart’s desire. For He promises,peace perfectto minds on… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: We All Look For Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~We All Look For Peace ~ By Deborah Ann We all look for,some kind of peacewe all needsome sort of release. We all want,just a little restwe all desirea lot less stress. We all seek,a gentle calmnesswe all wish fora stilling solace. We all require,some kind of quietwe all requesta tranquil climate. We all look for,a… (more…)