Tag Archives: Jesus

Man of Sorrow ~

Man of our sorrows, rejected and despised unloved, unwanted loathed and chastised. Man of our sufferings, acquainted with affliction grief, pain, anguish trials and conviction. Man of our depression, mournful and devastated dejected, forgotten, isolated set apart and terminated. Man of our deception, tempted and enticed lured, beguiled, charmed with every evil device. Man of our diseases, illnesses and sickness… (more…)

The Best Love Story ~

  A love story not written, with ink from a pen but dripping with blood to release all from sin. The scarlet thread of love, woven throughout history reveals to all the world salvation’s true mystery. The design of redemption, was always in God’s plan it was the only way to show His mercy, to all of man. For, God… (more…)

Because of Jesus ~

Because of Jesus, I have God’s peace within because of Him . . . I’m forgiven for my sin. Because of Jesus I am no longer guilty because of Him . . . death isn’t my penalty. Because of Jesus, I have everlasting life because of Him . . . I’ll not face eternal strife. Because of Jesus, my life has… (more…)

Love Like This ~

When my days are weary, and my nights seem so long where there is but a whimper when there should be a song. Let me remember the cross, and all Jesus did for me let me always be mindful He is the reason, I am free. When my soul is aching, and my heart cries out in pain let me not forget… (more…)

No Greater Love ~

No greater love than this, that He would die for me no greater Friend . . . will this world ever see. No greater love will come, than the one He freely gives no greater joy . . . knowing my Saviour lives. No greater love is there, from a Father to a Son no greater promise . . .… (more…)

The Path of Grief Unknown ~

I walk the path of grief, in the valley of pain unknown but Jesus is here with me . . . so I don’t have to walk it alone. The path has its ups and down, the valley, its highs and lows but Jesus is here with me . . . in the midst of sorrow’s throes. The pathway of… (more…)

Beyond the Cross ~

Beyond the cross, is a glorious view for in Jesus’ death all things are new. New beginnings, fresh clean starts eternal hope to fill our hearts. Beyond the cross, the truth we find the love of God for all mankind. Light and love, fills in the dark exposes sin raw and stark. Beyond the cross, there are no fears no… (more…)

My Anchor ~ My Hope ~

Lord, tether me to the Anchor, where I can put my trust tie me tightly to the Rock so my faith won’t get crushed. Securely fasten me, to the reason for my hope may the fibers of Your grace be the strength to help me cope. Lord, tether me to the Anchor, who will hear my daily prayers to the One who will… (more…)

The Blessings of Spring ~

There are many blessings, that each new Spring brings you can see it bloom about and hear the song it sings. With winters bleakness over, and brighter days ahead comes promises of new life Springtime loves to spread. As God unfolds the flowers, and their buds begin to show He gives to us the assurance grace in our hearts will… (more…)

Free Love ~

God’s love is free of charge, there are no strings attached there’s nothing you need to do there are no works attached. God’s love is unconditional, it doesn’t matter who you are God loves you whether to Him you are near, aloof, or far. God’s love is sacrificial, He gave His only begotten Son not just to a few chosen… (more…)

God of My Comfort ~

Oh, God of my comfort, lifter of my weary head . . . thank You, for keeping me in Your loving stead. Oh, my Sun, my Shield, protector of my heart . . . thank You, for the strength You daily impart. Oh, my Retreat, my Refuge, defender of my life . . . thank You, for overcoming all of… (more…)

The Path of Praise ~

The path of praise is paved, with songs of joyousness glorious hallelujahs sung with thankfulness. Praise fills the hearts, of those who seek the Lord they sing salvation’s song with gratitude in each chord. Trusting voices raise offerings, of praise and adoration to their almighty God they sing their admiration. Faithful lips sing the words, of devotion to their Savior… (more…)

The Joy of Knowing Jesus ~

There’s nothing quite like, the joy of knowing Jesus how in every circumstance He is always with us. No matter the situation, Jesus is always there our happiness is in knowing our burdens He will bear. In times of want and need, whatever be our condition our gladness is in knowing He’ll supply each provision. When feeling overwhelmed, by so… (more…)

For God So Loved The World ~

For God so loves the world, that He gave to all His only Son who came to mend and heal the heart and soul of everyone. It doesn’t matter your race, or the color of your skin Jesus just wants to forgive you if you’d confess to Him your sin. You may be rich and happy, you may be poor… (more…)

This CHRISTmas ~

This Christmas . . . Let us be as the Wise Men, who came from afar let us each search for God right here, where we are. He’ll lead us with His Word, His Spirit will show us the way just as the star led the Wise Men to baby Jesus, Christmas day. Let’s give our hearts to Jesus, like… (more…)

Jesus Knows Your Pain ~

Jesus knows your pain, He understands your grief He knows that only His love can bring your heart relief. He recognizes your sorrow, He sees the spiteful sting and the grace He has for you in your life, He wants to bring. He’s aware of your rejection, He hears others put you down and His favor and His mercy will… (more…)

Nana, Why Can’t We See Angels?

“Nana, why can’t we see angels?” My grandson one day asked me. “Why if they are here with us . . . their wings we cannot see?” I took him by the hand, and we walked my garden path and the innocence of his question gave my heart a happy, little laugh. I knew I had to give an answer,… (more…)

The World’s Greatest Love Letter ~

For God so loves the world, that He gave to all His only Son who came to mend and heal the heart and soul of everyone. It doesn’t matter your race, or the color of your skin Jesus just wants to forgive you if you’d confess to Him your sin. You may be rich and happy, you may be poor… (more…)

God Is My Refuge

God is my refuge, a retreat for my soul where life and its pressures cannot take their toll. His wings watch over me, a shelter they provide whenever I am weary a perfect place to hide. He will protect me, I will not be harmed for, He has me encased in His everlasting arms. God is my refuge, a safe… (more…)

Peace Of Mind ~

There is a place of calm, for all of us to find a place to just let go and have peace of mind. Mine is in God’s garden, amid His Word I do reap promises of green pastures the gathering of His sheep. As I walk along the path, I bow to smell a rose the scent of His undying… (more…)

I Wait ~

I wait on Your name Lord, for I know that it is just I know that You’re someone I can lean on and to trust. I wait on Your name Lord, for I know that it is true I know that Your Word is what I need to cling to. I wait on Your name Lord, for I know that… (more…)

I am Not Ashamed ~

Lord, I am not ashamed, of the hope that lives in me I wear my faith openly for all the world to see. You asked me to be the light, to shine Your Word upon my path so, I share Your truth knowing, at me they’ll scorn and laugh. I am not intimidated, by the words and thoughts of man… (more…)

All That I Need ~

All that I need, God is it, all that I was, He has seen all of the pieces finally fit for, He is all that I need. All that I desire, He gives, all that I want, He has got all of my sins, He forgives for He is all that I need. All that I am, He holds, all… (more…)


Did you know that Jesus saves lives?  He wants to save yours. He wants you, He loves you, He created you, He made you, He’s given you life. And you’ve turned your back on Him and He’s wanting to forgive you. He’s wanting to set you free. He wants to give you a new start. But you’ve got to be… (more…)