Tag Archives: Jesus

Be Slow in Your Anger ~

to GOD be the GLORY By Deborah Ann Be slow in your anger, be slow to show your wrath for you are called to peace with self-control as your path. Be not puffed up with pride, be not filled with malice for you’re called to be gentle not thick-skinned and callous. Put off all bitterness and hate, put off the… (more…)

Give Me The Wisdom ~

By Deborah Ann Oh, Lord give me wisdom, to know what to say so others I may guide to the righteous way. Help me to redeem, the time allotted me to help blinded eyes Your saving light to see. Oh, Lord keep me seasoned, let me not lose my flavor so I may lead others to also find their Savior.… (more…)

Adding To Your Faith ~

By Deborah Ann Once you have faith, you mustn’t stop there you need to add to it more things with care. To your faith add virtue, and you will be pure for faith and virtue is ungodly living’s cure. To virtue add knowledge, it is the wisdom of life for faith with knowledge will cause you no strife. To knowledge… (more…)

Faith Rises ~

By Deborah Ann Faith rises, above our fears calms our nerves dries our tears. Faith overcomes, every obstacle makes all things truly possible. Faith conquers, all our doubts with triumph cheers and joyous shouts. Faith defeats. our worst enemy fights off the devil trounces his army. Faith rises, above our concerns calms our worries . . . till Jesus returns!… (more…)

Poem: I am Fully Persuaded

Poem: Nothing Can Separate us from God’s Love

Poem ~ Loving Each Other

Love One Another ~ By Deborah Ann You know how much . . . My Father loves you I have shown the world the same love too. Now that I’m gone, to be with my Father you must continue to love one another. When you’re offended, turn the other cheek remember My love is humble and meek. When you’ve been hurt,… (more…)

Love Is Blind

Love Is Blind ~ By Deborah Ann Love is patient, it doesn’t keep score when it’s insulted it doesn’t get sore. Love isn’t self-centered, it isn’t conceited when it is put down it isn’t defeated. Love is kind, it doesn’t get mad when disappointed is doesn’t get sad. Love isn’t self-seeking it isn’t disturbed when it’s agitated it isn’t perturbed. Love… (more…)

A Humble Heart ~

~A Humble Heart ~ Jesus, give me a humble heart,teach me to have a meek attitudetake from me my selfish pridefill my soul with eternal gratitude. Disrobe me of my self-importance,strip my conceit and arroganceremove the smugness on my facerip away any self-imposed relevance. Cloth me in Your righteousness,wrap me in Your truth and lovecover me with the Holy Spiritbind… (more…)

Active Participation ~ — CHRISTian poetry ~ by deborah ann

I know that mountains high, I know it looks impossible but, I also know with God all things are possible. I know that rivers deep, I know its looks menacing but, I also know for God it will be worth my crossing. I know that valleys low, I know all its up and downs but, […] via Active Participation ~ —… (more…)

~ Can You Imagine ~

Can you imagine, a world without tears void of the darkness that fuels human fears? Can you imagine, a world without sorrow empty of the anguished heartache of tomorrow? Can you imagine, a world without evil gone the trepidation from terror’s upheaval? Can you imagine, a world without hate free from animosity the need to retaliate? Can you imagine, a world… (more…)

He’s Coming For Me ~

My Savior’s coming, He is coming for me on clouds we will meet then in heaven I’ll be. Oh, how I anticipate, the day of His return the hour He comes . . . isn’t for me a concern. My heart is prepared, my soul is ready just the very thought makes me feel heady. I get all excited, just… (more…)

Guarding Your Heart and Mind ~

Whatever has you sleepless, whatever keeps you awake whatever makes you feel your heart’s about to break. Give it all to Jesus, in your thankful prayer and He will lift you from your grief and despair. Whatever is your worry, whatever may be your care whatever is that burden that you must daily bear. Give them all to Jesus, let… (more…)

We All Need A Shepherd ~

Every one is broken, some how, some where every one needs Jesus to bear their care. Every one has suffered, some pain, some grief every one needs Jesus to bring them relief. Every one has worries, some great, some slight every one needs Jesus His love, His light. Every one is weary, some more, some less every one needs Jesus… (more…)

Nothing Lasts ~

Nothing lasts forever, all will tum to rust even our own lives will return to dust. All of our possessions, will rot and decay all that we treasure will simply blow away. But there is one thing, that is unending for it holds eternity . . . with a love undying. For all who surrender, to God their hearts into… (more…)

I Wait ~

In God and Him alone, my soul waits ever patiently for my hope only comes when I rest in Him quietly. He is my sturdy Rock, from which I can’t be shaken He protects and defends me from the attacks of Satan. A Refuge to me He is, a place to run and hide His love encompasses me from each… (more…)

A Living Hope ~

I’ve got me a living hope, it’s as real as can be a sure and certain hope that has taken hold of me. I’ve got me a lively hope, once Jesus, I received a sure and certain hope His resurrection, I believe. I’ve got me a future hope, my death is not the end a sure and certain hope into… (more…)

Seek First ~

If you were to seek the Lord, with a heart that’s open wide you’ll find He is next to you and will never leave your side. If you were to seek His face, in all the things you do you will find His strength living deep inside of you. If you were to seek God first, no matter where you… (more…)

All Things Will Work Out ~

All things for my good, will work out . . . a promise I will claim in it, I will not doubt. I may not understand, how this could ever be with so many trials . . . right now surrounding me. But, as God is busy doing, Jesus told me not to worry to stand steadfast and firm not… (more…)

Be A Doer ~

Be a doer of the Word, read your Bible and then act don’t just be a Gospel hearer you must give something back. You can lend a helping hand, or give someone else your ear let everyone know you will be a friend who is always near. Pray for those who ask you to, and more so, for those who… (more…)

On The Sea of Bended Knee ~

Father, I can hardly wait, until I see the sea of every single knee bowing down to Thee. The vision is so clear, as each soul accounts if, to You they were . . . rebellious or devout. Father, I can hear it now, the hum of every tongue singing You’re the only God there is no other one. The… (more…)

Two Roads, One Path ~

There are two roads, two different destinies one has a remedy the other has penalties. One leads to heaven, the other one to hell both determine where in eternity we will dwell. One takes endurance, strength and firmness one takes indifference greed and worldliness. Each one of us, has a decision to make we must choose the road we are… (more…)

The Love of Jesus ~

The love of Jesus, baffles my mind for it’s a love like no other kind. I can’t understand, the enormity of it but, I know for me Jesus is a perfect fit. The love of Jesus, is so hard to explain for, it’s so immense too hard to contain. I cannot grasp, its total completeness but, I know for sure it’s… (more…)

Mustard Seed Faith ~

Mustard seed faith, is all you need . . . but, for it to grow it you must feed. Milk is good, if you’re a babe but, soon your faith will start to fade. For it to rise, it needs the meat every day with Jesus you need to meet. If it’s to branch out, it needs nourishment for growing… (more…)

In Perfect Peace ~

In perfect peace, I am kept, when my mind is stayed on Thee I trust You God for my strength and the power You instill in me. Justice kissed my stony heart, Your mercy I have met joy fills up my weary soul on You, my eyes are firmly set. My mind rests in You Lord, in quietness I hold… (more…)

Just a Prayer Away ~

Feeling a little depressed, having a hard day just remember this hope is a prayer away. Prayer is the key, that unlocks our doubt when we trust Jesus to figure all things out. Life in a turmoil, can’t stand the commotion just turn to Jesus with prayer and devotion. You can tell Jesus, about your wants and needs whether you… (more…)

Crucified For Me ~

Crucified with Christ, not my life now ~ but His earthy desires put aside not my life now ~ but His. Crucified with Christ, this new man to put on no need for human wealth old man ~ all but gone. Crucified with Christ, an exercise of His grace an end to self-reliance His love has won the race. Crucified… (more…)

He Gives Me His Ears ~

He gives me His ear, when I cry out in pain He listens to my voice hears the cracking strain. He understands my needs, before I make my request He already has for me . . . what He knows is best. His ears are always open, no matter when I pray I can call out to Him every minute… (more…)

I Trust ~

I trust in God, His mercy for me my hope is in . . . what I can’t see. My faith is set, on things above my heart rests on eternal love. I rely on God, for what is good my soul rejoices just as it should. My future’s solid, on the Rock I stand by faith I hold onto His… (more…)

Shower Me With Mercy ~

Shower me with mercy, rain on me Your grace let Your love pour out till Your heart I embrace. Lead me to still waters, where hope runs deep let Your compassion into my soul slowly seep. Guide me in the valley, when shadows are there direct my heart to know my burdens You’ll bear. Let me lean on Your rod, the staff of … (more…)

Look Up at The Heavens ~

When you’re feeling gloomy, when you’re sad and blue look up into the heavens your hope will shine through. For, when we focus in on, our destiny that’s above our sadness will turn to joy in the light, of eternal love. Where you’re feeling lonely, when you are all alone look up into the heavens envision God’s holy throne. For,… (more…)

Glory Hallelujah ~

He is risen, glory hallelujah He has risen glorious alleluia. He is alive, blissful elation He is alive joyful celebration. He is risen, peaceful expectation He has risen eternal transformation. He is here, cheerful jubilation He is here hopeful affirmation. Jesus is risen, just like He had said Jesus is alive no longer is He dead! ~~~~~~~ Luke 24:6 “He… (more…)

Wounded ~

Disrespected and ridiculed, poked and made fun of for me Jesus was affronted in the name of eternal love. Bruised for my rebellion, cursed and  spit upon for my own wickedness Jesus was beaten on. Wounded for my sins, whipped and lashed for my transgressions Jesus was slashed. Pierced and stabbed, on the cross He hung because of me insults… (more…)

Life Saving Transfusion ~

Precious is the blood of Jesus, now it runs in my own veins and courses through my body so in my heart He may reign. It pumps me full of grace, as if flows into my soul for by His stripes I am healed in His death I’m made whole. The crown of thorns trickles, with mercies I don’t deserve a… (more…)

Thank You Father ~

Father, I thank You for Jesus, the Anchor of my soul my Rock unto which I cling my Comforter who consoles. I thank You for His blood, the forgiveness of my sin I thank You for His grace that now flows deep within. I thank You for His love, the power I received the strength He has given me since the… (more…)