Tag Archives: Jesus the Light Of the World

Today’s Poem: There’s Only One God 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ There’s Only One God ~ By Deborah Ann Just like the sun,must set in the westI know God for meis my perfect rest. I know He’s the only,God that there is . . .I believe He knewI’d be one of His. Just like the moon,hanging in the skyI know God is Godquestion not why. Though… (more…)

Today’s Poem: One Truth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ One Truth ~ By Deborah Ann There’s only one truth,that I’ve come knowthere’s only one waythat I choose to go. Though there are many,who don’t think so . . .I know God’s truthis the one line to toe. There’s only one truth,that I can swallowthere’s only one paththat I will follow. Through there are… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Shine His Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Shine His Light ~ By Deborah Ann In a world full of darkness,shine His light . . .in these times of uncertaintybe His light. In the lives of those lost,radiate the Light . . .in the souls that are dyingexpose the Light. In the hearts that are hurting,exude the Light . . .in the minds… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Man’s Heart Of Stone

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Man’s Heart of Stone ~ By Deborah Ann Man has a heart of stone,for God there’s no desirethe Bible is meaninglessnot a word does it inspire. But Jesus can remove,the stiffness and hardnesstill it is a heart of fleshresembling His likeness. Man is dead in sin,lives in utter darknesssees no need for God . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Only Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Only Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann There’s no other name like Jesus,no other One we can call onno other person that can help usto be to His Father drawn. There’s no other name in heaven,no other name given unto manno other person who has for usthe way to salvation’s plan. There’s no other name… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Star Search

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Star Search ~ By Deborah Ann A single star shinning,on a moonless nightGod’s gift to the worldwrapped up in One Light. Wise men make the journey,from places east and farin search for what they knowwill be the Morning Star. With gifts they travel,to the town of Bethlehemknowing there they’d findthe Babe, the Christ, the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: No Other Name

to GOD be the GLORY ~ No Other Name ~ By Deborah Ann There’s no other name like Jesus, no other one we can call on no other person that can help us to be eternally drawn. There’s no other name under heaven, no other name given unto man no other person that has for us the way to salvation’s plan.… (more…)

Poem: I Am The Light of the World

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I AM The Light of the World ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus is the Light of the world,the darkness it out shines . . .disclosing the evil thoughtsof our hearts, souls and minds. His Light is heart revealing,to believers or not . . .His Light unmasks the sinthat for man He bought. His Light… (more…)

Poem: Salvation’s Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Salvation’s Light ~ By Deborah Ann I pray that your eyes, will be opened to the Light and that you will be given a new and wondrous sight. I pray your understanding, about Jesus and who He is will fill you with eternal hope so as to make you one of His. I pray… (more…)