Tag Archives: Jesus' Birth

Today’s Poem: The Word Was Made Flesh

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Word Was Made Flesh ~ By Deborah Ann The Word was made flesh,all things became newthe Light of the worldilluminating the view. A new life was given,one filled with peaceas truth and gracewas being released. The Word became man,guiding all who believedthe promise of His Spiritone day would receive. A hope like no… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Joy Of The Season

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Joy Of The Season ~ By Deborah Ann This season may your joy,be seen and heardmay your eternal hopein others be stirred. May you offer to all,peace and good cheermay your delightbe made loud and clear. This season may your joy,cause you jubilationmay you share with allGod’s gift of salvation. May you be filled,with… (more…)