Tag Archives: Isaiah 40:31

Today’s Poem: Eagle Wings

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Eagle Wings ~ By Deborah Ann His grace helps me to soar,over the storms life bringsI can climb above themas if I had eagle wings. No matter the burden,over my troubles I can riseclamber high above themjust as an eagle flies. His grace carries me,through the storms of lifelike an eagle I can soarup… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Soaring On Eagle Wings

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Soaring On Eagle Wings ~ By Deborah Ann We all fly on,broken wingswe all cry overlost things. We all fall,into despairwe all thinkno one cares. We all lose,our waywe all feelnot another day. We all fight,with unrestwe all tryto do our best. But we who fly,on eagle wingscan soar . . .above these things! ~~~~~~… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Soar

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Soar ~ By Deborah Ann Eagles wings,oh, how they soarabove the world’smenacing roar. Glide in faith,on the air of trustgrows not wearyagainst the gust. Eagles wings,strong and suretorrid weatherthey do endure. Fainting not,upon resistancefly’s on hopeto go the distance. Eagles wings,mount and riseabove the fear . . .before their eyes! ~~~~~~ Isaiah 40:31 But… (more…)

Like An Eagle ~

to God be the Glory By Deborah Ann Renewed like an eagle, my strength restored the closer I sweep in to Jesus, my Lord. He gives me courage, to go the distance gives me His strength when I meet resistance. Just like an eagle, the clouds I climb above rising over my troubles on the strength of His love. I… (more…)

Waiting on The Lord ~

Are you waiting on the Lord, are you patiently hanging on are you staying in there strong or is your faith almost gone? Are you at your wit’s end, are you in over your ears are you questioning yourself is your faith about your fears? Are you seeing a sea of red, are you sinking in your doubt are you… (more…)