Tag Archives: God’s Plans for You

God Has A Purpose ~

God has a purpose,He had a planbefore our liveseven began. He knows all things,for our own goodwill work outas He said they would. But, we must love,God and His wayswe must have a heartthat yields and obeys. We need to know,what is God’s willwe need to waitand to be still. God has a purpose,but, it’s up to usto heed the… (more…)

God’s Got A Plan For You ~

God’s got a plan for you, a charted out course if you will let Him be . . . your navigation source. He will lead and guide you, every step of the way if you will let Him be . . . the One, who has the say. He won’t steer you wrong, He’ll give you direction if you will… (more…)

A Carnal Life ~

Having a hard time, living the truth and way is your spiritual compass up and down every day? Aggravated one day, the next, loving and kind are the fruits of the Spirit in your life hard to find? Fighting with temptation, battling with hidden sin . . . is the enemy of your soul on the constant win? Needing others… (more…)