Tag Archives: Ezekiel 36:26

Today’s Poem: Cries From The Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Cries From The Heart ~ By Deborah Ann The cries of the heart,don’t fall on deaf earsfor each one of themGod promises to hear. The cry for a heart,after His owntells Him you longto make it His home. The cry for a heart,He can transformtells Him you wantit to be His platform. The cry for… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Here’s My Heart Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Here’s My Heart Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Here’s my heart Lord,it’s covered in red . . .reflecting the bloodfor me You shed. It once was a heart,cold like a stonebut now it is onethat has been atoned. Here’s my heart Lord,it now belongs to YouI surrender it in wholedo what You must do. It… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Man’s Heart Of Stone

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Man’s Heart of Stone ~ By Deborah Ann Man has a heart of stone,for God there’s no desirethe Bible is meaninglessnot a word does it inspire. But Jesus can remove,the stiffness and hardnesstill it is a heart of fleshresembling His likeness. Man is dead in sin,lives in utter darknesssees no need for God . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Callous Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Callous Heart ~ By Deborah Ann A callus heart,edges are roughgetting through to itis more than tough. But there’s one thing,that is for sureGod it’s coarsenesscan heal and cure. A callus heart,is thick and densebeing cynicalis its only defense. But God can make it,soft and pliableso that it can befor Him viable. A callus… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A New Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A New Heart ~ By Deborah Ann A new heart,is made of fleshwith Jesus’ ownit now does mesh. It is confident,its been forgivenby faith its madethis decision. A new spirit,is one at restit’s one where gracehas truly blessed. It’s filled with hope,joy and elationit knows Jesusis its salvation. A new heart and spirit,God wants to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A New, Clean Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A New, Clean Heart ~ By Deborah Ann A new, clean heart,in me God createdever since my desiresfor the world abated. Now my hopes,are set on things abovenot on my possessionsthat I once so  loved. A new heart of flesh,God put into mewith the grace to believein what I can’t see. Now my wants,are heaven centeredonce… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Forgiveness Will Not Come

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Forgiveness Will Not Come Unless ~ By Deborah Ann Forgiveness is impossible,in hearts not Spirit filledforgiveness will not come . . .unless in God, hearts are stilled. Forgiveness is unlikely,in hearts made of stoneforgiveness will not come . . .unless in God, hearts are His own. Forgiveness will not happen,in hearts that blame and resentforgiveness… (more…)