Tag Archives: End Times

Today’s Poem: Wake Up Call

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Wake Up Call ~ By Deborah Ann The alarm has been set,the hour is drawing nearand in these final momentsthe wake-up call is clear. The signs are all there,just as we’ve been toldand it’s time to speak upand for God to be bold. Just take a look around,and tell me what you seehaters of… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: There’s A Conspiracy

to GOD be the GLORY ~ There’s A Conspiracy ~ By Deborah Ann There is a conspiracy,a plot is in the air . . .if you’d really look into itit’ll give you quite a scare. There is a heist,a robbery of our sensesone day you and I . . .will be left with no defenses. There is a plot,a scheme… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Age Of Rejection

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Age of Rejection ~ By Deborah Ann We are living in,the age of rejectiona time where we seefrom God a defection. It’s an era of change,a time of redirectionfrom the Truth and Waywe’ve lost the connection. It’s a movement,of rebellion and pridewhere our sinful lustswe no longer hide. It’s a real revolution,it is not… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Where’s The Zeal

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Where’s The Zeal ~ By Deborah Ann Where’s the zeal,where did it go . . .where’s the burning desirethe narrow way to show? Where’s the zest,where’s the utterancewhy do we now havefor sin tolerance? Where’s the willingness,where’s the dedicationwhere’s the readiness to leadothers to true salvation? Where’s the eagerness,where’s the thirstwhy is the word sinnow on… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Perhaps Today My Lord Will Come

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Perhaps Today My Lord Will Come ~ By Deborah Ann Perhaps today . . .my Lord will comeperhaps today I’ll seemy Lord on the cloudscoming down for me. Perhaps today . . .my Lord will callperhaps today I’ll hearthe sound of His trumpettelling me He is here. Perhaps today . . .my Lord will showperhaps… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Colors Of Things Coming

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Color Of Things Coming ~ By Deborah Ann I watch Fall’s colored leaves,turn from red to golden browndrifting on the breeze of Autumnfloating idly to the ground. They lay in all their splendor,till rake piles them knee-highfor eye to see and foot to crushbefore they wither away and die. Fall reminds me of the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Time Is Getting Short

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Time Is Getting Short ~ By Deborah Ann The time is impending,satan is working overtimewe need to be ready . . .for Jesus could come anytime. We need to be aware,of the ticking of the clockfor the devil’s out prowlingto devour up His flock. The time is approaching,each day it’s getting clearerthe awaited return… (more…)

Today’s Poem: These Final Days

to GOD be the GLORY ~ These Final Days ~ By Deborah Ann Fill us with hope Lord,in these final dayskeep us from followingthe world’s wicked ways. Fill us with trust Lord,as the end draws nearkeep our minds soberour consciences clear. Fill us with faith Lord,in these perilous timeskeeps our hearts pureour souls fit and prime. Fill us with peace Lord,as… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Revival Today

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Revival Today ~ By Deborah Ann If only I could change,the path man is on . . .to life-giving waterseveryone would be drawn. I’d show them the way,to true and lasting peacecomes if man’s pride . . .finally were to cease. I’d tell them humbleness,is not a sign of weaknessbut a gesture expressingwithout God, we’re  helpless.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Just Passing Through

to GOD be the GLORY To God Be The Glory! April 2, 2016 ~ Just Passing Through ~ By Deborah Ann This world is not my home, I’m just passing through and I must do my best not to weaken to its view. Yet, its thrust before me, whether I like it or not but, I must not concede to the… (more…)

God’s Warning to America!

Powerful, timely, prophetic message — Wake up America Members of Congress hear a hard-hitting speech by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn about God and America at the U.S. Capitol the day after the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments about same-sex marriages. Thank You For Visiting 2,399

New World Order ~ Jack Van Impe

Thank You For Visiting 1,611

The Church of Oprah Exposed

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW4LLwkgmqA Thank You For Visiting 2,570

End Times Poll

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