Tag Archives: Darkness of Mankind

#throwbackpoem: Unrepentant

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Unrepentant ~ By Deborah Ann Unrepentant,hearts not yieldingin sin they stillare abiding. Unremorseful,minds unfitto their luststhey commit. Unashamed,souls not savedcare not howthey behave. Unabashed,darkness drivensee no needto be forgiven. Unrepentant,need not beif they’d only let . . .Jesus set them free! ~~~~~ Romans 6:23“For the wages of sin is death;but the gift of God is… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: To Be An Overcomer

to GOD be the GLORY ~ To Be An Overcomer ~ By Deborah Ann To be an overcomer,we must see sin is the problemour faith and trust in Jesusmust remain firm and solemn. To be an overcomer,we must confront the obstructionsthat leads to the wide roadof everlasting destruction. To be an overcomer,we must tackle the world head onwe constantly must beto… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Light For Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY June 13, 2018 ~ A Light For Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus let me be,a light for Youhelp me to exposethe evil people do. Let me be a voice,to those who are losthelp me to bring themto the foot of the cross. Jesus let me be,a light of Your gracehelp me to help thosestill running… (more…)