Tag Archives: Childlike Faith

#throwbackpoem: Childlike Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Childlike Faith ~ By Deborah Ann Give me faith like a child,without fear and doubtwhere the Word of Godcan root, grow and sprout. Give me an attitude,that believes readilywhere happiness and joyoverflows steadily. Give me childlike faith,pure and simple . . .one that is steadfastnot unsure or fickle. Give me a mindset,that to God… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Faith Like a Child

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faith Like a Child ~ By Deborah Ann Give me childlike faith,without any obstructionsgive me the Word of Godwithout any deductions. Give me an attitude,of believing, void of doubtgive me the true Gospelwithout taking anything out. Give me faith like a babe,trusting in every way . . .give me the pure Scripturesto feed upon… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Captive Thoughts

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Captive Thoughts ~ By Deborah Ann Capture my thoughts Lord,gird me in Thy truthlet me follow Thy Wordas in the days of my youth. With childlike faith,take custody of my mindkeep me close to Theeso Thy ways I can find. Control and restrain me,release not me from Thy holdmay my heart for Theeturn not… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Captured Thoughts

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Captured Thoughts ~ By Deborah Ann Capture my thoughts Lord,gird me in the truthlet me follow Thy Wordas in the days of my youth. With childlike faith,take into custody my mindkeep me close to Youso Your ways I can find. Control and restrain me,release me not from Thy holdmay my heart for Younot turn luke-warm… (more…)