Tag Archives: Change

#throwbackpoem: As The Lord Giveth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ As The Lord Giveth ~ By Deborah Ann As the Lord giveth,He can take it away  . . .when His plans changeHe’ll make another way. One day your fine,the next one ~ not so muchwhen God’s plans changeit’s by His design and touch. One moment you have,the next one ~ you have naughtwhen God’s… (more…)

Another Year, Another List ~

Each year at this time, we make up a checklist of the things in our life we want to add or dismiss. We give them a number, assign their importance so we can rate them with our daily performance. We have a great resolve, to heed our resolutions thinking they will give us answers and solutions. But soon we all find, we lose our… (more…)

New Beginnings ~

A fresh start, new beginnings too not just for today . . . but, all year through. If you let Jesus, be your resolution He will bring to you a glorious restoration. Putting behind the past, pressing into the goal believing in God with . . . your whole heart and soul. Letting Him change you, from the inside out… (more…)

Change Me Lord ~

Change me Lord . . . I know that I should be a different kind of person than the one that I call me. Change me Lord . . . there’s so much You can do take this old life of mine and make me someone new. Change me Lord . . . from the inside out to trust in… (more…)