Tag Archives: Care Casting

Today’s Poem: Care Casting

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Care Casting ~ By Deborah Ann My cares I’m casting,with all surenessgiving them to the Lordwith this assurance. That all of my concerns,He will take from mefrom my every worryHe will set me free. With confidence,I’m placing all my trustonto the Onewho truly loves us. My every illness,all my pain and griefI’m letting Jesus… (more…)

Today’s Poem: That Sinking Feeling

to GOD be the GLORY ~ That Sinking Feeling ~ By Deborah Ann Sometimes I feel I’m sinking,my troubles seem so heavyit’s as if they’re about to breakthrough a swollen, bulging levee. I feel the rushing waters,come roaring through my heartand as they swiftly flowmy faith starts unraveling apart. The waves of my fears,begin to swirl all aroundtossing my trust back… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus Never Tires

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Never Tires ~ By Deborah Ann Sometimes it’s hard,to give Jesus our caresometimes with Himit’s difficult to share. But, when we let go of,our worldly concernHe will give to usHis peace in return. Sometimes it’s not easy,spending time prayingsometimes it feels no onehears what your saying. But, when we release,what weighs on our heartJesus… (more…)