Tag Archives: Bold and Fearless

#throwbackpoem: Lord, May I Too

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, May I Too ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, give me a faith,just the same as Yours . . .so I may too cross the seaand meet You where You are. Give me an attitude,absent of any doubtso I may too trust Youfrom my boat to come out. Lord, give me a faith,steadfast and trueso… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Fear’s Pitfall

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Fear’s Pitfall ~ By Deborah Ann When you’re feeling,anxious and fearfuland your thoughtsturn dreadful. Remember God’s might,will give you powerin those frightfulfearful hours. When you feel,you’ll lose controlbefore you leapinto that pitfall. Remember God’s love,is your perfect restraintso over your fearsyou may have constraint. When you feel,you’re going to lose itremember to call .… (more…)