Tag Archives: Anxious

Today’s Poem: His Soldiers

to GOD be the GLORY ~ His Soldiers ~ By Deborah Ann Weary hearts,anxious mindscome to MeI’ll make you mine. Hide Me within,your heart todayI’ll be with youI’ll show the way. Tired soldiers,fighting strongtrust in MeI’m never wrong. I hear your fatigued,battle criesI see the tearsin your eyes. But rest assured,the fight we will winthe day I come . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Released

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Released ~ By Deborah Ann Whenever I’m anxious,and life has me by the hemI loosen up and I let go . . .casting everything onto Him. I simply sit back,and let myself unwindI relax in the knowledgeHe’ll give me peace of mind. Whenever I’m restless,tense from my concernsI call upon the Lordtill my stress… (more…)

Give Jesus an Earful ~

Whenever you are anxious, nervous or fearful . . . take it straight to the cross give Jesus an earful. Tell Him about your cares, your every single worry rest with Him for a while do not be in a hurry. Let Him know the reasons, you feel like you do speak with Him as if . . . He’s… (more…)