Tag Archives: An Attitude of Gratitude

#throwbackpoem: Lord, I love You

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, I love You ~ By Deborah Ann Lord have I told You lately,just how much I love You . . .have I expressed my gratitudefor all, for me You do? Have I sung to You my praise,for Your mercy and Your gracehave I told you I can’t waittill I can thank You face to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Gratitude Believes

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Gratitude Believes ~ By Deborah Ann Gratitude believes God,is in absolute controlit trusts His provisionwith a meek, humble soul. Gratitude shows God,how much it is thankfuldaily it has an attitudeof being heartily grateful. Gratitude has true rest,peace and contentmentfor what life may bringit holds no resentment. Gratitude finds real joy,upon the dawn of dayit… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Gratitude Believes

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Gratitude Believes ~ By Deborah Ann Gratitude believes God,is in absolute controlit trusts His provisionwith a meek, humble soul. Gratitude shows God,how much it is thankfuldaily it has an attitudeof being heartily grateful. Gratitude has true rest,peace and contentmentfor what life may bringit holds no resentment. Gratitude finds real joy,upon the dawn of dayit… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Cornucopia of Contentment

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Cornucopia of Contentment ~ By Deborah Ann Thanksgiving is the time,of finding true contentmenta time to praise God . . .without any resentment. A time to discover,the secret of gratitudea time to let thanksgivingbecome our daily attitude. Thanksgiving is the time,of finding satisfactiona time for appreciationno matter our condition. It’s a time to be… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Voice Of Thanksgiving

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Voice of Thanksgiving ~ By Deborah Ann May the voice of thanksgiving,be heard joyfully today . . .may words of gratefulnessbe sung heartily as we pray. May our heartfelt thoughts,offer God His due praisemay we be gratefulas our thanks to Him we raise. May the voice of gratitude,be heard loud and clearmay our humble… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Thanksgiving Time

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Thanksgiving Time ~ By Deborah Ann Thanksgiving time,again is drawing neara time to let God . . .our gratitude hear. But we need to go past,just this time of the yearand make sure God alwaysour thanksgiving hears. Thanksgiving time,isn’t just for the holidaysfor a grateful heart . . .is thankful for all its days.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Beauty Of Salvation

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Beauty of Salvation ~ By Deborah Ann May the beauty of your salvation,cause you to be jubilantmay the wonder of it allmake and keep you exuberant. May the greatness of God’s mercy,bow your grateful, thankful kneesmay the vastness of His loveyour whole heart, happily seize. May the grandeur of your hope,make you permanently indebtedmay… (more…)