Daily Archives: January 26, 2025

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.26.25

“All they that heard it wondered at those things.”~ Luke 2:18 ~ We must not cease to wonder at the great marvels of our God. It would be very difficult to draw a line between holy wonder and real worship; for when the soul is overwhelmed with the majesty of God’s glory, though it may not express itself in song,… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 01.26.25

God Routs Fear “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel”.~ Numbers 23:23 ~ How this should cut up root and branch all silly, superstitious fears! Even if there were any truth in witchcraft and omens, they could not affect the people of the Lord. Those whom God blessed, devils cannot curse. Ungodly men,… (more…)

Today’s Bible Verse 01.26.25

James 4:10 Humble yourselvesin the sight of the Lord,and he shall lift you up. King James Versionby Public Domain Thank You For Visiting 62

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.26.25

“Your heavenly Father.”~ Matthew 6:26 ~ God’s people are doubly His children, they are His offspring by creation, and they are His sons by adoption in Christ. Hence they are privileged to call Him, “Our Father which art in heaven.” Father! Oh, what precious word is that. Here isauthority: “If I be a Father, where is mine honour?” If ye… (more…)