Daily Archives: September 21, 2024

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 09.21.24

“Gather not my soul with sinners.”~ Psalm 26:9 ~ Fear made David pray thus, for something whispered, “Perhaps, after all, thou mayst be gathered with the wicked.” That fear, although marred by unbelief, springs, in the main, from holy anxiety, arising from the recollection of past sin. Even the pardoned man will enquire, “What if at the end my sins… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 09.21.24

Let Trials Bless “Knowing that tribulation worketh patience.”~ Romans 5:3 ~ This is a promise in essence if not in form. We have need of patience, and here we see the way of getting it. It is only by enduring that we learn to endure, even as by swimming men learn to swim. You could not learn that art on… (more…)

Today’s Bible Verse 09.21.24

2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,and the love of God, and thecommunion of the Holy Ghost,be with you all. Amen. King James VersionPublic Domain   Thank You For Visiting 17

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 09.21.24

“I will rejoice over them to do them good.”~ Jeremiah 32:41 ~ How heart-cheering to the believer is the delight which God has in His saints! We cannot see any reason in ourselves why the Lord should take pleasure in us; we cannot take delight in ourselves, for we often have to groan, being burdened; conscious of our sinfulness, and… (more…)