Daily Archives: July 16, 2022

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 07.16.22

“Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time is come. For Thy servants rake pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof.” ~ Psalm 102:13, 14 ~ A selfish man in trouble is exceedingly hard to comfort, because the springs of his comfort entirely within himself, and when he… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 07.16.22

Word to Him Who Halts “I will save her that halteth.” ~ Zephaniah 3:19 ~ There are plenty of these lame ones, both male and female. You may meet “her that halteth” twenty times in an hour. They are in the right road and exceedingly anxious to run in it with diligence, but they are lame and make a sorry… (more…)

Today’s Bible Verse 07.16.22

Colossians 2:9-10 For in him dwelleth all the fulnessof the Godhead bodily. And ye arecomplete in him, which is the headof all principality and power: King James Version by Public Domain Thank You For Visiting 406

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 07.16.22

“They gathered manna every morning.” ~ Exodus 16:21 ~ Labor to maintain a sense of thine entire dependence upon the Lord’s good will and pleasure for the continuance of thy richest enjoyments. Never try to live on the old manna, nor seek to find help in Egypt. All must come from Jesus, or thou art undone for ever. Old anointings… (more…)