Daily Archives: January 14, 2022

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.14.22

This Evening’s Meditation C. H. Spurgeon “Beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.” ~ Matthew 14:30 ~ Sinking times are praying times with the Lord’s servants. Peter neglected prayer at starting upon his venturous journey, but when he began to sink his danger made him a suppliant, and his cry though late was not too late. In our… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If God Is The Potter

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If God is the Potter ~ By Deborah Ann If God is the potter,shouldn’t we be more pliableso He could mold us to Himto be more flexible? If God is the potter,shouldn’t we rest in His handsso He could mold into usHis purpose and plans? If God is the potter,shouldn’t we be more adaptableso… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 01.14.22

Faith’s Check Book, Daily Entry C. H. Spurgeon Rest Is a Gift “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” ~ Matthew 11:28 ~ We who are saved find rest in Jesus. Those who are not saved will receive rest if they come to Him, for here He promises to “give”… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Don’t Worry Trust

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Don’t Worry Trust ~ By Deborah Ann Don’t worry about tomorrow,give no thought to what lies aheadfor, Jesus wants you to trust Himnot to live in fear and dread. Don’t be concerned about the future,give no thought to where you’ll befor, Jesus wants you to go to Himnot to panic over what you can’t… (more…)

Today’s Bible Verse 01.14.22

1 John 4:20-21 If a man say, I love God,and hateth his brother,he is a liar: for he thatloveth not his brotherwhom he hath seen,how can he love Godwhom he hath not seen?And this commandmenthave we from him, Thathe who loveth God lovehis brother also. King James Version by Public Domain Thank You For Visiting 723

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.14.22

This Morning’s Meditation C. H. Spurgeon “Mighty to save.” ~ Isaiah 63:1 ~ By the words “to save” we understand the whole of the great work of salvation, from the first holy desire onward to complete sanctification. The words are multum in parro: indeed, here is all mercy in one word. Christ is not only “mighty to save” those who… (more…)