Daily Archives: May 9, 2017

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 05.09.17

Tuesday, May 09, 2017 This Evening’s Meditation C. H. Spurgeon “Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field . . . let us see if the vine flourish.” ~ Song of Solomon 7:11,12 ~ The church was about to engage in earnest labour, and desired her Lord’s company in it. She does not say, “I will go,” but… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 05.09.17

Tuesday, May 09, 2017 Faith’s Check Book, Daily Entry C. H. Spurgeon Trust Means Joy For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. ~ Psalm 33:21 ~ The root of faith produces the flower of heart-joy. We may not at the first rejoice, but it comes in due time. We trust the Lord… (more…)

Today’s Bible Verse 05.09.17

Romans 8:1-2 “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”    King James Version by Public Domain Thank You For Visiting 1,258

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 05.09.17

Tuesday, May 09, 2017 This Morning’s Meditation C. H. Spurgeon “Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings.” ~ Ephesians 1:3 ~ All the goodness of the past, the present, and the future, Christ bestows upon His people. In the mysterious ages of the past the Lord Jesus was His Father’s first elect, and in His election He gave us… (more…)